“Best of Both Worlds” Podcast

Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician, blogger, and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.

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Podcast: Moving

If you read The SHU Box blog, you know that my Best of Both Worlds co-host, Sarah, recently moved to a new home. Her husband …Read More

Podcast: Mailbag, part deux

Today's Best of Both Worlds is our second all-mailbag episode! Sarah and I recorded this together in my office in Pennsylvania over the Christmas/New Year's …Read More

Podcast: Designing 2019

Happy New Year! Since today is a Tuesday (just like Christmas) the Best of Both Worlds podcast is still being released on its regular schedule. …Read More

Best of Both World podcast with Laura Vanderkam

Podcast: Our money stories

In our "mistakes and setbacks" episode several months ago, Sarah and I talked about my money book, All the Money in the World. I mentioned …Read More