Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician, blogger, and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.
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Best of Both Worlds podcast: Getting ahead by being nice
As women rise up the ranks in companies, they often get advice warning about coming across as too "nice." Nice people are push-overs. They aren't …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Foster and adoptive parenting (and our 100th episode!)
Families come in lots of different forms. It took me eight years to become a mother of four, but Andrea Walter pulled it off in …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Kids at different ages and stages
Part of having a slightly bigger-than-average family is that your kids wind up at different stages at the same time. This has its challenges but …Read More
Best of Both Worlds: Frugal parenting tips
Sarah and I had a lot of requests over on our Instagram for frugal or low-cost parenting tips, so today's episode covers this topic! (Sadly, for …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Emily Oster on the research (and lack thereof) on parenting
You ask, we deliver! A number of listeners/readers read Emily Oster's books, Expecting Better and the new one, Cribsheet, and asked if she could be …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Superficial things revisited
Sarah and I did an episode last year on "superficial things" -- hair, make-up, clothes, etc. It remains one of our most popular episodes. So …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Finding your ‘Cru’ with Tiffany Dufu
I mentioned that we had some amazing guests in store for the Best of Both Worlds podcast, and today's guest was definitely a treat! Tiffany …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Leaning in and leaning out
I'm a bit late with this post, but I was traveling to give a speech this morning. The good news is I could listen to …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Interview with Double Shift’s Katherine Goldstein
From time to time, Sarah and I hear from Best of Both Worlds listeners about the other programs they're listening to. A number of people …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Life should be like summer camp
I am a big fan of summer camp. I had some great experiences during the summer as a kid, both at traditional outdoor camps and …Read More