The spring fun list

Today is cold — 21 degrees this morning — but spring is in the air. Temperatures will rise into the 60s next week and so …Read More

Remembering a year ago

This was a fairly normal weekend. Kid activities. A long run. A family trip to Longwood Gardens to walk through the luminary display. We had …Read More

Monday: Time and insights

If you're tracking your time this week, how did Monday go? Mine was decent. It started too early -- 5:30 a.m. up with the baby. This …Read More

Celebrate your good habits

On New Year's Eve, a great many people observe an odd tradition: believing we will become different people the next day. There will be new …Read More

Shopping in my own home

My office is stuffed with wrapped presents right now. It feels like a ludicrous number, though much of this is a function of family size. …Read More

Still here

Last Thanksgiving, I was very pregnant. I was entering the uncomfortable phase -- when my attempts to retrieve something off the floor of the car …Read More