Childcare, TV and Children’s Time
I am a big fan of center-based childcare (i.e. daycare). Jasper started when he was a few months old, and though the first year was …Read More
I am a big fan of center-based childcare (i.e. daycare). Jasper started when he was a few months old, and though the first year was …Read More
Yes, we are springing forward this Sunday. That means that this week is a wee bit shorter than most. But there's no reason it has …Read More
I am 32 years old, and have never owned a car. I got my driver's license at age 16 and one month (as one could do …Read More
The National Sleep Foundation's annual Sleep in America poll is out today. As usual, the NSF claims Americans aren't getting enough sleep. "Most say they …Read More
We're welcoming lots of new readers to My168Hours this week. Between being featured in Motherlode at, Wired's GeekDad column, Working Moms Against Guilt, some …Read More
There's a week for everything, and apparently over at BabyCenter, it is "Guilt-Free Parenting Week." Yes, February 25-March 4 is a celebration of the idea …Read More
Over at BNET this week, I have two posts. The first is called 5 Things To Do With 5 Minutes (Other Than Read This Post). …Read More
My choir, the Young New Yorkers' Chorus, is traveling to Chicago in a few weeks to sing in the American Choral Directors Association conference. It's …Read More
Actually in Ann Arbor tonight but I spent today in Detroit interviewing entrepreneurs about the concept of creative destruction post auto industry and what goes …Read More
Over at BNET this week, I have two posts, one on avoiding all-or-nothing thinking, and the other is a Q&A with Paula Szuchman, one of …Read More