The childcare dilemma: Working from home (or not) with minimal coverage
I worked from home today in the way that I know many parents do regularly. I had preschool hours, potentially nap time, and what I …Read More
I worked from home today in the way that I know many parents do regularly. I had preschool hours, potentially nap time, and what I …Read More
I’ve been trying to figure out lately how much sleep I need. I used to assume I needed the standard 8 hours per night, but …Read More
When air travel is good, it is very good. My flight from Philly to Indy last Thursday took off at 8:04 a.m. and by 10:20 …Read More
Real Simple magazine has been around for about 15 years, and there are only so many aspects of daily life to be simplified. So the …Read More
Grumpy Rumblings (of the formerly untenured) ran a post this week on “Things I want but can’t have until my children are older.” The list …Read More
The first tomato is almost ripe! And by July 4th this time, not Halloween, like last year. The heirloom varieties we planted last year were …Read More
We moved from our 2-bedroom apartment in NYC to our 5-bedroom house in Pennsylvania three years ago this week. On some level life is different …Read More
I always love a good weight loss story, so I was intrigued by the Wall Street Journal’s recent offering. Former NFL lineman Brandon Moore used …Read More
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the annual American Time Use Survey results today. This is my favorite time study for a few reasons. First, …Read More
The SHU Box has a post today about her planner, which is a top-of-the line version. I thought I’d write about my system, which is …Read More