Mini content round-up
Happy Friday! We have one kid coming home from camp today after three weeks, which is very exciting. The 9-year-old is one week into his …Read More
Happy Friday! We have one kid coming home from camp today after three weeks, which is very exciting. The 9-year-old is one week into his …Read More
Theoretically Fridays are supposed to be my open days, but somehow that didn't happen this week. Oh well. So here's a quick content round-up! Over at …Read More
The heat hasn't been quite as brutal this week, so I've had a few outdoor adventures. I walked with a friend through some nature trails …Read More
The (big) kids finished school last week, and I immediately took off with my eldest for NYC, so this week has felt like the first …Read More
I’ve encouraged my older kids to ask for experiences/trips as Christmas or birthday presents. The 14-year-old asked for a diving trip this year, so over …Read More
About a month ago my husband and I went to our preschool's annual auction. I have attended a great many of these things over the …Read More
I spent a fun (if intense!) afternoon yesterday with Lani from Real Life Style. Some readers may remember her from a 2020 episode of Best …Read More
Thanks for everyone's good wishes on the new book projects! I'm excited to get started and happy to know that others are excited to read …Read More
Each Friday I make my to-do list for the weekend. In a busy household with five kids there’s always something I could be doing. The …Read More
The good news is I've been able to sleep a little later in the morning for the latter half of this week. Both my older …Read More