Navigating the Children’s Activity Gauntlet
I think it’s an open question whether younger kids or older kids require more juggling. My kids are quite young – almost 3, and 7 …Read More
I think it’s an open question whether younger kids or older kids require more juggling. My kids are quite young – almost 3, and 7 …Read More
April 25 dawned chilly but clear in Big Sur, California. With the crack of a gun, I and a few thousand other folks started running …Read More
Tara Parker-Pope's Well blog over at the New York Times highlighted findings this week from economists Garey and Valerie Ramey that college-educated parents are spending …Read More
So the Dr. Phil show today is going to feature recent research from John Robinson at the University of Maryland that claims moms have 30-40 …Read More
My column, "Handmade is the new black," ran in USA Today this morning. Though mostly about the rise of the craft economy, it relates, broadly …Read More
One of the tips I learned while writing 168 Hours is to figure out exactly how long any given activity will take. Then you can …Read More
While weekdays often pass in a blur of rushing from one thing to the next, weekends require a different mindset. It's easy to lose track …Read More
(cross-posted at This year I attempted to make my first big turkey dinner. The holiday meal has long been one of those womanly rites of …Read More
This week's Business Week reported on the financial woes prevalent at private golf clubs. The current crisis many are experiencing is predominantly recession-related. More white-collar …Read More
Looking to get out of the house the other night (see the post about 168 hours and an infant), and not wishing to cook, I …Read More