Snow day grumpiness
I have spent approximately 2.5 hours today shoveling snow. This particular winter storm involved a mix of snow and ice and so this shoveling has …Read More
I have spent approximately 2.5 hours today shoveling snow. This particular winter storm involved a mix of snow and ice and so this shoveling has …Read More
One of the joys of self-employment, and working from home, is that Mondays don't feel like Mondays to me. It has been ages since I …Read More
We woke to a spring snow storm this morning, but it's been a good morning nonetheless. I woke up on my own around 6:15 a.m. (the …Read More
I am always on the lookout for better ways to spend little bits of time. It is very easy to do nothing of consequence: delete …Read More
Perhaps it is the coming spring.* Perhaps it is the lull between sports. But this weekend had a different feel to it. When there are …Read More
Time for another miscellany post on life right now. Here are a few things I'm into as of this month. The running streak. It lives. I …Read More
This weekend featured an interesting mix of memories and signs the kids are growing up. It started on Friday, when I drove to Princeton University …Read More
Just because something has been around for a long time does not mean it will last forever. The Ringling Brothers circus has been going for …Read More
Longtime readers will recall that my eldest really wanted a cat for Christmas. He did not get a cat. In lieu, he received a promise …Read More
So we are 10 days into February, but I never did write this month's "what I'm into" post, so here we go. I just finally started …Read More