Know what the next level looks like
There is a lot of randomness in the universe. Occasionally, people get ahead just by being in the right place at the right time. But in …Read More
There is a lot of randomness in the universe. Occasionally, people get ahead just by being in the right place at the right time. But in …Read More
Dina Santorelli posted a few time management tips from 168 Hours over at her blog, Making Baby Grand, today. Thanks Dina! …Read More
As promised, I am finally starting to load some more “time makeovers” up on this blog! The good thing about putting these online is that …Read More
In some of the pre-pub press on 168 Hours, I've been referred to as an "aspiring time management guru," which isn't entirely true. I wrote …Read More
The pre-order page is up, here. Very exciting! Six months until launch...Read More
Like the rest of humanity, I watched Sarah Palin's appearance on Oprah on Monday. (I have a personal interest in her book... I had wanted …Read More
Many of us feel like we don't have a lot of recreational free time these days. In fact, we have more time than we think, …Read More
Life is a bit busier in my household these days as we welcomed little Samuel Dwight Conway on September 24. He was surprisingly big -- …Read More
When I was writing a book on time management several years ago, I had dozens of people keep logs of their time. Paula, a Nashville …Read More
My September 2009 issue of Glamour has a one page profile with life management advice from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who happens to be my senator …Read More