Best of Both Worlds podcast: Division of labor and mental load with Allison Daminger
Many years ago, I read an article that was pointing out the difficulty of trying to share domestic tasks equally. A husband and wife might …Read More
Many years ago, I read an article that was pointing out the difficulty of trying to share domestic tasks equally. A husband and wife might …Read More
A few things reached, or are close to reaching, a satisfying conclusion this weekend. First, this 1000-piece hot air balloon puzzle from White Mountain. I put …Read More
Many outdoor events come with a "rain date." This is an incredibly useful concept if you think about it. The hosts are acknowledging that things …Read More
I love the How to Money podcast. I listen to it three times a week most weeks! But I was irked enough by an anecdote …Read More
Raising kids involves a lot of decisions. While this is true for the baby years, it can be even trickier as kids get older, because …Read More
This was another big full summer weekend — but unlike the last one, I don't have a million photos of peaches and beaches to show …Read More
One of my Summer Fun List items was to do "Mommy Days" with the four big kids. These are one-on-one days where we do something …Read More
Over on Twitter recently, I read a post from a man who mentioned that he was abandoning more books than he finished these days. He …Read More
After Sarah sparked a big discussion with her trade-offs post, we decided to devote a full episode to comparisons, jealousy, and what we can learn …Read More
This was a really good, really summery weekend. It did not start auspiciously (a child melted down at a Friday afternoon swim lesson...) but it …Read More