Catch me on NPR’s Talk of the Nation
I'll be on NPR's Talk of the Nation today (February 28) at roughly 2:40pm eastern, talking about time and my Wall Street Journal article, "Are …Read More
I'll be on NPR's Talk of the Nation today (February 28) at roughly 2:40pm eastern, talking about time and my Wall Street Journal article, "Are …Read More
Books are an old-fashioned medium, much like albums. In the iTunes era, the album model has increasingly struggled, and these days each single needs to …Read More
The markets have been rallying since October, slowly building a cushion around shaken nest eggs. That sounds like good news for baby boomers approaching retirement …Read More
It's been a big week here, and we have a lot of new readers. I hope you'll stick around! Every Friday I do a round-up …Read More
I’ve mentioned The Happiness Project several times on this blog over the past two years (I enjoyed the book quite a bit -- and I …Read More
(Laura's note: my column ran in yesterday's USA TODAY under the headline "Does Income Inequality Matter?" online and "Does Income Gap Matter?" in print.) Income inequality …Read More
Another quick post today: I'm over at the Wall Street Journal, asking "Are You As Busy As You Think?" The take-away: "Being 'busy' and 'starved …Read More
Over the weekend, we got to meet Dr. Scott, the paleontologist.Those of you with preschoolers may know just how big a deal this is. “Dr. …Read More
We've got a lot of new readers on the blog today, thanks to Cali's wonderful post over at Fast Company (also featured in the newsletter; …Read More
I’m not a big fan of the phase “work-life balance.” It implies that the two concepts (work and life) take up equal space, which is …Read More