ATM Book Club Week 10 (Chapter 9)
I'm running an informal book club devoted to All the Money in the World here on the blog. You can join at anytime; there are …Read More
I'm running an informal book club devoted to All the Money in the World here on the blog. You can join at anytime; there are …Read More
I'm taking the day off work, mostly, so here are just a few quick links: USA Today ran its review of All the Money in the …Read More
A few weeks ago, we talked about false choices on the blog. These are situations where a belief that there are only two variables falsely …Read More
I liked the cover of this week's New Yorker. Yes, the times, they are a-changin'... Read More
I recently read Edward Humes' new book, Garbology. One of the key facts out of the book is that the widely quoted EPA estimate, that …Read More
I spent half of last week at the American Society of Journalists and Authors conference in New York. While conferences are supposed to be about …Read More
I'm running an informal book club devoted to All the Money in the World here on the blog. You can start at any time; there …Read More
(Cross-posted at Gifted Exchange) I'm recently back from a week-long vacation at Disney World with my three small children. It was a lot of fun …Read More
Every year in time for Mother’s Day, produces a figure showing how much you’d have to pay for the job of “mom.” The answer …Read More
In the fall of 2008, my husband and I spent a little over a week in India. One of our adventures involved staying near a …Read More