Weekends, workdays, and writing a series
I'm reading the Magic Treehouse books to my 5-year-old. If you've never picked them up, they're pretty good for kids who are beginning to be …Read More
I'm reading the Magic Treehouse books to my 5-year-old. If you've never picked them up, they're pretty good for kids who are beginning to be …Read More
Many of you are readers of the Happiness Project blog (or books). Gretchen talks about creating a happiness toolkit: activities/strategies that you know boost your …Read More
I love anecdotes. I sprinkle them liberally in my writing. I know, as a voracious reader, that stories make ideas come to life. How can …Read More
My husband and I signed up for the Philadelphia half-marathon in November. Coordinating two parents’ long runs on any given weekend is always rough (my …Read More
My baby girl turns one today. She’s able to stand on her own, and is figuring out the walking thing. She took a step and …Read More
Years ago, the authors of The Millionaire Next Door made a splash with what should be an obvious point: being a millionaire amounts to having …Read More
My son, Sam, turned three last week. We invited his new classmates over to our house Sunday in the late afternoon and let the kids …Read More
The more I study human behavior, the more fascinated I am by the narratives we tell ourselves. We all have certain defining narratives, perhaps scripted …Read More
Back during the whole Marissa-Mayer-is-pregnant dust-up this summer, I mentioned that being the CEO is actually a great job for the mom of small kids. …Read More
I read a lot of personal finance blogs, and one of the most interesting discussions in the past few weeks was over at Money Saving …Read More