Confidence and competence
For my first two years of high school, I earned As easily. I studied some, and worked hard for an English independent study I had …Read More
For my first two years of high school, I earned As easily. I studied some, and worked hard for an English independent study I had …Read More
I’m trying to achieve success at work, and you can too! For the next 5 weeks, I’ll be running a #SuccessAtWork challenge on this blog. …Read More
I had a post written for Mother’s Day, but after reading through it a few times, I started to find it annoying. And it was …Read More
When I read Susan Cain’s Quiet last year, I realized that I’m an introvert. That doesn’t mean I’m shy, or dislike people. It means that …Read More
The facts seem stark: the best time for building your career -- for paying in and climbing the ladder -- is between the ages of …Read More
I’m trying to achieve success at work, and you can too! For the next 6 weeks, I’ll be running a #SuccessAtWork challenge on this blog. …Read More
Just a few links today, mostly focused on the class of 2013. First up, over at Brazen Careerist's Brazen Life section, I write New Grads: …Read More
I had a rather successful night at my middle kid’s nursery school silent auction a few weeks ago. Maybe it was the fact that I …Read More
I'm keeping a work time log this week so I can see where my time goes (keeping a work time log is Week 1's assignment …Read More
Despite watching Elizabeth Gilbert on Oprah years ago, I somehow managed to miss reading Eat, Pray, Love when it came out in 2006. I don’t …Read More