Multi-tasking burns more time than you think, but you can get those hours back.
When I tracked my time for a year, I used spreadsheets. So did most of my subjects in I Know How She Does It. Spreadsheets …Read More
When I tracked my time for a year, I used spreadsheets. So did most of my subjects in I Know How She Does It. Spreadsheets …Read More
When people track time, they discover all kinds of things, but one of the most common is that they do not work as many hours …Read More
If you are a fan of all things time management, then you are probably familiar with Julie Morgenstern. Her best known book, Never Check E-mail …Read More
What are mornings like in your house? Are they serene or crazed? If you identify with Team Crazed, how do you feel about being marketed …Read More
This headline is misleading. I would venture that most days I do not feel like running 10 miles. Most days I follow that urge! But …Read More
It is simple math that four children create more chances for disaster than two children. Today was one of those days. The 8-year-old had forgotten …Read More
Ask people what they would like to spend more time doing, and exercise comes up a lot. The usual excuse is that we do not …Read More
A few years ago, I was attending a conference with many HR types. My breakout group was chatting about women and advancement. One woman, describing …Read More
Financial insecurity is a reality for many people. Various survey questions over the years have tried to gauge its prevalence. The Federal Reserve began asking …Read More
Many years ago when my husband and I were dating, we used to do such things as go to Europe for the weekend. Often it …Read More