Best of Both Worlds podcast: Negotiating well with Kathryn Valentine
Life is a constant negotiation. But many of the traditional negotiation strategies can backfire when women try them. So what are we to do? In this …Read More
Life is a constant negotiation. But many of the traditional negotiation strategies can backfire when women try them. So what are we to do? In this …Read More
My soon-to-be 17-year-old scored a high school parking pass for the remainder of this year and all of next year. This is a very exciting …Read More
Thanks for everyone's good wishes on the new book projects! I'm excited to get started and happy to know that others are excited to read …Read More
I had hinted on here over the past few months that I was working on a book proposal. This one went out to a large …Read More
May can be a packed month for many families. There are lots of end-of-year celebrations, concerts, awards ceremonies, and more. Work tends not to wind …Read More
During the spring of my senior year, my college choir performed Brahms’ Requiem. Having missed the group’s performance of Bach’s B-Minor mass the year before …Read More
I do a fair amount of corporate speaking, and I always like the opportunity to go visit other places, if just for a little while. On …Read More
Corporate life can feature an overwhelming volume of emails and meetings. How can you stay on top of things and get the substance of your …Read More
Each Friday I make my to-do list for the weekend. In a busy household with five kids there’s always something I could be doing. The …Read More
The good news is I've been able to sleep a little later in the morning for the latter half of this week. Both my older …Read More