Running in Central Park and other weekend adventures
In Off the Clock’s last chapter, “People are a good use of time,” I recounted bringing my eldest son to New York City for a …Read More
In Off the Clock’s last chapter, “People are a good use of time,” I recounted bringing my eldest son to New York City for a …Read More
School is out! Two kids finished on Tuesday and two kids finished on Wednesday (the little guy has been done for a week). My husband …Read More
Emily Oster's Parent Data shared results from a new sleep study this week. She asked thousands of parents about their kids' sleep based on age. One …Read More
You're not imagining it. It really is more challenging to make and keep friendships in our mobile, digital, and often distracted age. But friendships are one …Read More
Buckle in, because this is going to be a long blog post! Various end of year things are still going strong here, which made this a …Read More
Over the past week I read Scott H. Young’s new book, Get Better at Anything. This book is about various strategies for learning and improving …Read More
I had various ideas of what I intended to get through on Monday morning while the 4-year-old was at preschool. But when I attempted to …Read More
Given that parenthood is a broadly shared experience, many people want to offer advice and their own discoveries. Unfortunately, when it comes to working parenthood …Read More
I went into NYC over the weekend to celebrate my brother-in-law's 50th birthday with all my husband's siblings (and his mother). My husband had gone …Read More
I suppose it's the convention to say "how is it the end of May already?" but this month has been full of memories...and as such …Read More