Coping with the cold and dark (and a content round-up, including a Cal Newport interview)

I really do not like being cold. And unfortunately, if it is cold outside, I am likely to be cold. There was a moment this week when I started reaching for my wool socks to walk around the house when I realized that…oh. I will now be cold until May. Getting out of the shower I will be cold. Getting changed I will be cold. Sigh. Unless we set the heat in the house to the temperature it is for the AC to come on in summer I’m just going to be cold.

Of course, in years of being cold, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. One of my favorite is to wash my face (and hands) with hot water. At one point I identified that the reason I never wanted to wash my face at night in the winter is that I didn’t like splashing cold water on my face. But the sink gets hot water too! Same with washing my hands. No need to just tap the cold faucet (the default) if the hot one is available.

It was 38 degrees outside this morning. Sadly, this means I probably won’t be able to wear my summer flats and jeans much longer. My daughter and I were discussing this when I drove her to the bus stop the other morning. She had been eager for fall weather, but she clarified that she liked just a little coolness, not being cold. But I guess it was inevitable!

I’m not sure if I’ll get to a content round-up post later this week or not, so a few highlights: Over at Before Breakfast, I interviewed Cal Newport! I’ve been running a longer episode every Wednesday where I interview someone about their time management strategies. He really embraces October and has quite the display going on his lawn…Please give that episode a listen.

Over at Vanderhacks, the post behind the paywall this week is about “Planning fatigue is real” — but here are 7 ways to take a beat and get back on track. I also reminded people that “If others can, you can.” Other, normal people tend not to have access to some secret font of knowledge that isn’t accessible to everyone else. You can probably figure it out!


4 thoughts on “Coping with the cold and dark (and a content round-up, including a Cal Newport interview)

  1. Obviously different people feel the heat or the cold differently. I spent much of my childhood in Canada, so maybe I was trained to not mind the cold. But if you are a “cold-blooded” person, there are ways to cope with that. For example, a small heater in the bathroom can be on just while you are taking a shower, and then you come out to a nicely warm room that will not chill you. I’m sure you have turtlenecks and scarves and hats and all. But maybe you need to change over to winter clothes earlier…so you don’t get that first chill. And indulge in heated gloves and coats and foot warmers. I LOVE winter so I want everyone else to like it too!

  2. I’ve been feeling the exact same way/having the same thoughts about the cold. This morning I had to wear gloves to walk the dog for the first time this season and I’m not looking forward to it getting colder. At work I frequently turn on the space heater I keep by my desk and at home I wear a big fleece, wool socks, and huddle by the fire when I can.

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