Best of Both Worlds podcast: Design your ideal work week

Design your ideal work week

Sometimes work hours are set. But sometimes we have more flexibility. If you can choose your hours or location, how should you choose your hours and location?

That is the topic of this week’s Best of Both Worlds episode. Sarah was given some leeway to choose her clinic days next year, so this sparked a whole discussion of what the ideal part-time schedule would be. If you’re going to work 3 days a week, which should they be? Or if you’re going to work 20-30 hours in a job, when would it be best to log those? A lot of organizations have landed on a hybrid schedule of being in the office three days a week and working at home 2 days. If you have a choice, which days should you choose to work from home?

There’s no one right answer for everyone, but we suggest some things to think about. We also suggest creating a “realistic ideal week” template for thinking this through.

Please give the episode a listen. And please consider joining our Patreon community where we discuss this and other topics!

My current working schedule tends to be mostly 8:15-4:15 or so, with some days ending a little earlier and some a little later based on the driving schedule. Add in breaks and various other responsibilities and it tends to come out around 35 hours a week.

4 thoughts on “Best of Both Worlds podcast: Design your ideal work week

  1. This thread has come at a really good time for me as I move into fully self employed from next week.
    I think my ideal schedule would include a day off in the week, Wednesday ideally so that I can devote time to other pursuits like swimming and walking.
    Aside from that working hours tend to revolve around school drop offs and pick up planning with my husband.
    Sadly I can’t listen to the podcast as it won’t play in the UK, but I will definitely be giving this topic some thought in the coming weeks!
    Thank you for these ideas:)

    1. @Lauren – not sure why it won’t play in the UK! It should! I can look into that. Are you listening on Apple podcasts or a different player? But yes, I like the idea of taking Wednesday off. It breaks up the week nicely.

  2. Now, I think that my response could’ve come quite late by this point. But yes, I do agree that if we are to come into offices on selected days of the week, we’ll prioritize this time for those things that can only be done in-person.
    I’m not going to change from full-time to part-time this year, so that part of the episode is not applicable to me this year.

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