Best of Both Worlds podcast: Mid-year check in, 2024

Now that Best of Both Worlds is almost 7 years old (yep!) Sarah and I have a few traditions. Every December, we devote an episode to our goals for the upcoming year. Then, in June/July, we devote an episode to a mid-year check in. How are we doing? What have we achieved? What are we still working on? What isn’t happening, and do we want to pivot?

This week’s episode is our 2024 mid-year check in. I’m happy to report that Sarah and I have both achieved some of our bigger goals for the year. Sarah ran a Boston qualifying marathon in May (beating the required time by 5 minutes!). I sold my next non-fiction book (in a 2-book deal, which was a nice bonus). So we had a lot to celebrate.

Some other things are more…in progress. I’d hoped to have made progress on my back issues, but after a huge setback in January, it’s more about eking out whatever progress I can and figuring out how to live my life with it. Sarah has definitely made progress on her estate planning, but decluttering? Well, there’s still 6 months to go!

Please give the episode a listen. How are you doing on your 2024 goals? Mid-year is a great opportunity to check in on how things are going. You can celebrate what’s happened, and decide whether you want to recommit on anything that hasn’t happened, or whether you’d like to pivot to something new. You are in charge!

(PS: Here’s my write-up of the 2024 goals episode)

2 thoughts on “Best of Both Worlds podcast: Mid-year check in, 2024

  1. I loved this! It really inspired me to go to my list – it’s taped next to my computer at home so I see it a lot but I looked at how I was doing and made a plan for the rest of the year.
    Workwise – I’ve got 2 academic articles in proofing stage and have actually made book progress, after 6 years on my annual goals list.
    Self- I’m behind on my cycling mileage, but nearly done with my spin trial and halfway through my yoga goal. I put myself on the waitlist for swim lessons but not sure it’ll get done this year. I need to do shopping in the autumn – new winter boots and new rain coat. I’m 40/50 on volunteer hours, but need to get cracking on gallery visits.
    Home – is a mess, really need to tackle this the second half of the year. We’ve mostly had to deal with home emergencies so my energy for home and decor has been lower.

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