Post vacation semi-productivity

With the Fourth of July falling on a Tuesday this year, work time has become a wee bit “atypical” (whatever that means). I feel like a lot of people took this week off (as many offices were closed Monday-Tuesday), but then some people took part of last week to Tuesday off, and so there’s this vortex of trying to coordinate schedules that lasts from June 29 to July 10. That’s a lot of time for a one-day holiday! And anyone trying to coordinate with me had it worse has I was gone June 26-30. Oh well.

I spent a lot of time on July 3 trying to get on top of things (Vanderkam Inc. wasn’t closed). However, I’m also catching up on a lot of life + admin stuff too, like getting my car’s oil changed (I wound up working in the library during that service). I have paid various bills. I made the executive decision to sign the 8-year-old up for an additional week of camp as one unstructured day quickly descended into chaos. I need to get my hair cut. I need to figure out how to file some tax document related to my solo 401k which, by the way, is moving somewhere else because the brokerage merged with another company…

What I am looking forward to: My writing retreat is coming up! I will spend two whole days engrossed in my novel manuscript. It’s mostly about winter, so that might feel strange to picture in summer, but hey, imagination. I’ve also got two mommy days scheduled. My daughter is getting her ears pierced this Friday and we’ll have lunch and shop. My 16-year-old and I will be in NYC soon for college visits + a nice dinner. The 8-year-old expressed interest in a potential Daddy Day, which could certainly substitute — and then I think I will consider myself good on this project as the 3-year-old got a ton of Mommy Days in Turks & Caicos while others went boating, snorkeling, diving, etc….

4 thoughts on “Post vacation semi-productivity

  1. Daddy Days sound great! My kids love solo time with dad and I feel like naturally get a lot more solo time with me.

    Enjoy the writing retreat. Sounds wonderful to have concentrated time to work on that project.

    Our daughter (12) got her ears pierced after Christmas this year. We had it done at a salon with a piercing gun; I will say, if I had it to do over again, I’d do it at a piercing parlor and get a needle piercing because the recovery is faster and they tend to get things aligned more evenly…but even with a few hiccups, our 12-year-old has LOVED having pierced ears.

    1. @Elisabeth – I think my daughter will like it too. We are going to a specialized piercing place but I am not sure on the method. We will fine out…

  2. Another vote for a piercing store! My older girls had issues after getting them pierced at a mall store with a gun (resulting in surgical repair!) and we ended up having them re-done years later at a piercing store. It was a much better experience!

    1. @Kaethe – we are going to a place that specializes in piercing. Not sure which version they are doing though – will have to check!

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