Best of Both Worlds podcast: Family, finances, and more

Sarah and I are running both our regular Best of Both Worlds programming and some bonus COVID-19 episodes. The next one in that series should publish in a day or two.

In the meantime, this Tuesday’s episode mostly did not involve me! Sarah (and Josh!) interviewed James and Kristen Turner. James is known online as the Physician Philosopher, and he specializes in financial education for doctors. He also runs the Money Meets Medicine podcast. Kristen is an educator who coaches kindergarten and first grade teachers through a school system in North Carolina.

The two talk careers, family, finances (“money dates”!), planning and more. Please tune in and give the episode a listen!

2 thoughts on “Best of Both Worlds podcast: Family, finances, and more

  1. I loved this episode! The three questions are really powerful. I’m going to try them out with my husband. Also, I loved hearing from the couple together! My husband and I just moved to Winston-Salem, so it was so cool to hear about schools that I now know. Made me want to be friends IRL! 🙂 Keep up the great work, Laura and Sarah!

  2. I also enjoyed this episode. It was fun to hear Josh’s voice after hearing so much about him! I enjoyed the conversation, especially the part at the end about paying for your kids college education. My husband and I have debates about that. I paid for mine through loans, scholarships, and working during college. His was paid for 100% by his parents. But we don’t think our son would qualify for loans since we are well compensated and I imagine we’ll still be working when he goes to college – maybe? So I guess we have to take that into consideration.

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