Best of Both Worlds podcast: Molly Fletcher on managing energy

Best of Both World podcast with Laura Vanderkam

We can’t make more hours in the day. But by thinking about and managing our energy, we can make the best of the hours we have.

Today’s Best of Both Worlds podcast guest, Molly Fletcher, built a career as a sought-after sports agent handling hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts. She also wound up having three girls in 12 months! So she knows a bit about managing her time.

In this episode, she talks about her career, negotiation, and her new book, The Energy Clock, which will be out in January. How can we maximize the activities that recharge us, and minimize the draining ones?

In the introduction, Sarah and I talk about what boosts our energy levels. Then, in the Q&A section, we address a question from a listener who wonders what to tell her 4-year-old about why she goes to work. Please give the episode a listen, and then please rate or review us on Apple podcasts. It really does help new listeners find us!

2 thoughts on “Best of Both Worlds podcast: Molly Fletcher on managing energy

  1. I really loved this episode. It’s clear she has a true zest for life and really loved her career. I bet she is raising strong, independent, driven daughters since she has likely modeled that behavior at home. It made me think about what gives me energy and what zaps my energy and how to balance the two.

  2. I really enjoyed this episode! Energy management is definitely critical for me—time can’t always be used well when you are drained physically or mentally. And while all of us have the same 168 hours, our energy stores for various activities can vary greatly—just thinking about some womens’ weeks exhausts me, and I’m sure others would say the same for mine!

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