My Edison Talk video is live!

Last month, I participated in Chicago Ideas Week, and gave an “Edison Talk” on time management. If you’ve got 13 minutes and 40 seconds to spare, the video is now posted and you can watch it here. If you like it, I’d also appreciate any shares you might give it (FB, Twitter, etc.). Thanks!

4 thoughts on “My Edison Talk video is live!

  1. Although I read your book, follow your blog and estimate myself quite familiar with your message, I have really enjoyed the video. You’re such an amazing story teller. Thank you for encouraging me to determine my priorities and to face my struggles every day!

    1. @Alex- thanks! I’m working on shaping the message for different formats, and speaking is a different beast from writing. But still an enjoyable way to share a message in its own right.

  2. Thanks Laura! I watched it as part of my efforts to take proper breaks instead of ‘fake breaks’ 🙂 And actually it was a great lesson: 13 minutes and 40 seconds focusing on a video I want to watch actually seems like a decent break and I’ll remember it and I learned something – but 15 minutes of web surfing just kinda disappears.

  3. Great talk–I enjoyed hearing you talk as much as I enjoy reading what you write. Even though I read your blog regularly and am familiar with your overall message, I still came away with several thoughts to mull over, and perhaps even write about myself.

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