Early summer mornings

photo-333I am not naturally a morning person. However, between the sky lightening by 5:30 a.m. these days, and my baby seldom sleeping past 6 a.m., I am discovering, again, how much can fit into these early hours.

On Sunday, I was up at 5:15 a.m., which was a little painful. The upside, though, was that I was fully caffeinated and fueled by 7 a.m., when I met my running partner to run along the Schuylkill River and the nearby tow path. It was great. We went 5 miles down the trail and 5 miles back, and though the day was muggy, we were in the shade. The honeysuckles are blooming. We saw ducklings. I was home by 9:20, in time for feeding number two of the day.

photo-334This morning, the kids were all up and fed by 7:30, and they wanted to go outside to play on the new swing set. The 5-year-old figured out how to “swing without a push” (pump his legs) this weekend and he is so proud of himself. He wants to practice in every spare minute. So the kids went out there and played, some in their clothes and some in their pajamas. I sat on the porch looking out at the green and also watching the baby bat at objects in his little ExerSaucer type thing. It was a nice way to ease into the week.

What are you doing before breakfast these days?

In other news: It was a full weekend! My 8-year-old got to go to a Phillies game on Saturday night, and despite the rain he had so much fun he insisted Daddy and Grandma stay for the whole thing. We also won three new goldfish at his elementary school’s Family Fun Night. They all survived the weekend, which is a positive sign. In the not-so-fun category, I spent about 4 hours on Saturday cleaning the house. We are currently without a cleaning service and finding a new set-up always gets bumped down on the to-do list. It is kind of fascinating to watch the forces of entropy take over.

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