How to have a great weekend

If yesterday was Thursday thoughts, today is Friday thoughts. They’re shorter.

HuffPost’s OWN (the Oprah channel) picked up a piece I wrote on What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend. In it, I quote the CEO of ThredUp on how he used to let days blend into each other, but then realized he was a better leader (and better person) when he used his down time well. I kind of liked this one, so I’d appreciate a click and a share on social media.

Over at LifeHacker, Janet Choi (of iDoneThis) writes about How to escape the cult of ‘busy’, and quotes my “I don’t have time” vs. “It’s not a priority” language.

Over at Inc, Jeff Haden writes about 8 things you should not do everyday. Sample? Check the phone while talking to someone. It’s a good list!

Speaking of phones, at CBS MoneyWatch, I ask “Are you still checking voice mail?

And if you feel like doing me a big favor, the reviews posted at Amazon of What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend seem a bit obsessed with how short the book is. Which it is…because it’s billed as a short ebook (and priced as such!). If you’d be inclined to leave a positive review or give a “helpful” vote to someone else’s nice review, I would really appreciate it. The proportion of readers who find a review helpful influences which reviews get seen first. Thank you!

I’m on the road over the next week and have some guest posts in the queue. I’ll try to weigh in in the comments. Have a great weekend!


2 thoughts on “How to have a great weekend

  1. Hi Laura!
    I just picked up your book at the grocery store this morning. Most days I force myself to bypass the book section (trying to simplify so I don’t add to my shelved books waiting to be read or to the several I am in the midst of reading!) This topic of time management has eluded me, and I’d heard of the 168 hrs approach before from a coach I worked with. As a coach I know the importance of focusing on what matters, but juggling family, career, and everything else has been a challenge. I find myself holding back my career (have huge vision & work to share!) , but I don’t want to get into that crazy space where my relationships & quality of life suffers. I look forward to anything that enlightens “having it all” in the time we’ve been given, and throw out the myth that we working moms ‘can’t have it all at the same time’.

  2. @Carolyn – I am thrilled to hear my book is being sold at a grocery store! Can I ask which one? Where was it (does the grocery store have a book aisle?)

    As you’ll find from my book (and here on the blog – hope you’ll check out some of the older posts) I do think it’s quite possible to have a full career and a full personal life. 168 hours turns out to be a lot of time!

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