Musings on space

I like thumbing through Sarah Susanka’s architectural books in the “Not-so-big House” series. I interviewed her a few years ago for All the Money in …Read More

Beach rhythms

A few days in to a 17-day vacation, I have hit a rhythm. On a good day, I wake up before everyone else at around …Read More

Which advice do I take?

Constructive feedback is a great thing. Especially if solicited (and sometimes even paid for), thoughtful critiques of one’s performance can help make any performance better. …Read More

Writing for the ear

I read through Eudora Welty’s One Writer’s Beginnings this week. I’d read it decades ago, but after reading The Optimist’s Daughter earlier this year, I …Read More

Random mid-week musings

Time for another post of random and slightly self-congratulatory stuff. I finished a rough draft of Mosaic last night. It needs a lot of work, but …Read More