Stuck at home? You can still plan a great weekend anyway
When people say they want to enjoy their weekends more, one of my first tips is to plan “anchor” events. These are 3-5 fun things …Read More
When people say they want to enjoy their weekends more, one of my first tips is to plan “anchor” events. These are 3-5 fun things …Read More
Laura's note: this is part of a series of guest posts I'm running over the next few weeks. by Leanne Sowul Many of us have passions to …Read More
Oh, Real Simple. Your cover stories on laundry, your strange editor’s letters about Sheryl Sandberg, and photo spreads featuring not-real-simple $400 linen pants have been …Read More
We’ve had snow all week. We all came back from Christmas with a lovely cold (and in one case, a fever). Yep, we’re in the …Read More
Over at Fast Company this week, I’m writing about how to budget next year’s 2000 working hours, and why 90-day goals beat annual ones. Both …Read More
Laura's note: This post reached newsletter subscribers as this year's December missive. Since the 12 days of Christmas start tomorrow, I thought I'd re-post. Hope …Read More
Here are some interesting things to know about Marie Kondo. When this young Japanese “cleaning consultant” comes home from work, “I greet the waist-high potted …Read More
In evaluating my various professional endeavors, I’ve spent some time over the past week looking at what people chose to read in 2014, and what …Read More
If you read this blog daily, perhaps you’ve never thought “hey, I’d love to read even more of Laura’s musings!” But if you have, a …Read More
I’ve had several people send me articles about new research on Harvard Business School women, and the various factors that might have held back their …Read More