Some days I do not want to run 10 miles
This headline is misleading. I would venture that most days I do not feel like running 10 miles. Most days I follow that urge! But …Read More
This headline is misleading. I would venture that most days I do not feel like running 10 miles. Most days I follow that urge! But …Read More
Ask people what they would like to spend more time doing, and exercise comes up a lot. The usual excuse is that we do not …Read More
Financial insecurity is a reality for many people. Various survey questions over the years have tried to gauge its prevalence. The Federal Reserve began asking …Read More
I finished my 8784 hours at 5 A.M. this morning. Yesterday, I began analyzing the logs in earnest, which means that at least a few …Read More
In late April last year, inspired by the time logs in I Know How She Does It, I decided to start tracking my time continuously. …Read More
My 6-year-old started this school year not reading. He was not interested, and did not want to practice or anything of the sort. Over the past …Read More
My Friday sitter is at a conference this week, so the toddler and I spent this morning hanging out. We did all right. We got …Read More
Every year around this time, people who are not normally basketball crazy find themselves paying attention to games. I remember when I was in elementary …Read More
I no longer get nervous in any physical sense before speeches. I sleep fine. I know how most audiences will react to things. Still, I …Read More
We have had beautiful weather this week. It feels like spring, and on some days even like summer! I celebrated by going on a middle-of-the-week …Read More