In praise of simple meals
Last night I needed to cook for myself and four of my five children. I had pulled a package of chicken breasts out of the …Read More
Last night I needed to cook for myself and four of my five children. I had pulled a package of chicken breasts out of the …Read More
Like most people, I check my primary inbox fairly frequently. I also have a secondary inbox that I use for a few other things. I …Read More
I got a new iPhone in June, and I'm quite enjoying the photo app. It pulls featured photos from my camera roll each day. Sometimes …Read More
Thanks for all your suggestions on the evening post. I think my 9-year-old might like listening to things (or doing puzzle books...another option). He likes …Read More
The start of the new school year always brings schedule changes. This can be frustrating, or it can be an opportunity. Yesterday I wrote about how …Read More
I began a draft of this post from my beach bedroom — a bedroom I’ve spent 1-2 weeks in per year over the past 6 …Read More
In our old house, my two older boys had been crammed together in a fairly small room. In our new house, they can each have …Read More
Buckle in, because this is going to be a long blog post! Various end of year things are still going strong here, which made this a …Read More
I had various ideas of what I intended to get through on Monday morning while the 4-year-old was at preschool. But when I attempted to …Read More