Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician, blogger, and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.
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Best of Both Worlds podcast: Digital Decluttering with Amanda Jefferson
Physical spaces can easily get cluttered with stuff. Digital spaces can too -- with notifications, old apps, old photos, unread mail and so forth. In today's …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Design your ideal work week
Sometimes work hours are set. But sometimes we have more flexibility. If you can choose your hours or location, how should you choose your hours …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Rest and trading off
There's a certain narrative out there that working mothers of small kids have zero downtime. From a time diary perspective this is not true. However, …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Mailbag (podcasting Qs, back-to-work advice, travel destinations, and more)
Over the July 4th long weekend, Sarah and her family visited me in Pennsylvania. While our kids played with our husbands in the pool, we …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Intentional subtraction with Amy Laski of the Difference Lab
In life, it's easy to add things to the schedule without consciously taking other things off. But because time is absolutely limited, things wind up …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: The best career advice and much more with Jessi Hempel
Very few people wind up doing the same thing, decade to decade, anymore. Podcasting wasn't much of a thing in 2014, though it became more …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Mid-year check in, 2024
Now that Best of Both Worlds is almost 7 years old (yep!) Sarah and I have a few traditions. Every December, we devote an episode …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Summer struggles — bedtime, bathing suits, bugs, and beyond…
Summer is (almost) here and while I really love this season, it does present some unique challenges. That is the subject of this week's episode …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Modern friendship with Anna Goldfarb
You're not imagining it. It really is more challenging to make and keep friendships in our mobile, digital, and often distracted age. But friendships are one …Read More
Best of Both Worlds podcast: Myths of working parenthood
Given that parenthood is a broadly shared experience, many people want to offer advice and their own discoveries. Unfortunately, when it comes to working parenthood …Read More