“Best of Both Worlds” Podcast

Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician, blogger, and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.

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Best of Both World podcast with Laura Vanderkam

Podcast: Work hacks

Today's episode of Best of Both Worlds -- after some banter about my upcoming 40th birthday (not today, bit of a mix-up in the show …Read More

Podcast: Listener mailbag!

When Sarah and I started Best of Both Worlds a little over a year ago, we wanted to include listener questions. Our only hesitation was …Read More