Weekends, workdays, and writing a series
I'm reading the Magic Treehouse books to my 5-year-old. If you've never picked them up, they're pretty good for kids who are beginning to be …Read More
I'm reading the Magic Treehouse books to my 5-year-old. If you've never picked them up, they're pretty good for kids who are beginning to be …Read More
I've been thinking a lot lately about what computers can do. I've also been thinking about a quote, paraphrased from Ambassador Frank Baxter (who now …Read More
One of the most evocative concepts in economics is “creative destruction.” In Joseph Schumpeter’s 1942 book, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, he described this force as …Read More
Monday, I had an experience that was both new, and in a way, not. Penguin sold the audio rights to What the Most Successful People …Read More
My column on "Why parenthood needs some merit badges" ran in USA Today yesterday. Some of the feedback I got was that rewards of any …Read More
I spent half of last week at the American Society of Journalists and Authors conference in New York. While conferences are supposed to be about …Read More
Books are an old-fashioned medium, much like albums. In the iTunes era, the album model has increasingly struggled, and these days each single needs to …Read More
UPS delivered a most delightful looking book to my doorstep today; see photo at left. Yep, the first batch of All the Money in the …Read More
(cross-posted at lauravanderkam.com) This year I attempted to make my first big turkey dinner. The holiday meal has long been one of those womanly rites of …Read More