Art and compromise (my musings on Eat, Pray, Love)
Despite watching Elizabeth Gilbert on Oprah years ago, I somehow managed to miss reading Eat, Pray, Love when it came out in 2006. I don’t …Read More
Despite watching Elizabeth Gilbert on Oprah years ago, I somehow managed to miss reading Eat, Pray, Love when it came out in 2006. I don’t …Read More
(Laura's note: I'm on the road this week and will be bringing you a few guest posts on my favorite time and money themes. Today's …Read More
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been looking at lots of time logs (I’m writing a time makeover bonus section for the paperback compilation of …Read More
I keep thinking I should stop subscribing to the New Yorker. The magazines have a tendency to pile up when I'm busy because they come …Read More
Over at City Journal's website, I have a piece up called "The Paperback Quest for Joy." It ran in the fall print issue and is …Read More
We have a paper problem in our house. My 5-year-old loves to draw and write and make maps. He likes nothing better than to write …Read More
I head to our local library most Tuesday nights -- for a change of scenery, and to get a little more work done. My treat …Read More
We are at a fascinating juncture in the publishing industry. Penguin and Random House are merging, partly to better deal with the disruptive aspects of …Read More
I wrote in my last post about trying some of the tips in Crystal Paine's book, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life. Day 13 …Read More
Those of you who have been around here for a while know that I don’t have particularly romantic notions of writing. It is a career …Read More