Friday miscellany: Beach and links
I have been on semi-vacation this week with my husband's extended family. I say semi-vacation because according to my time logs I've worked about 17 …Read More
I have been on semi-vacation this week with my husband's extended family. I say semi-vacation because according to my time logs I've worked about 17 …Read More
We finished another school year! All three of the big kids went to the same elementary school this year, which was wonderfully efficient. One bus! …Read More
June is always one of my favorite months (the "Friday night of summer" as it were). I'm loving the roses in our yard, and the …Read More
I just got back from a rather muggy run. Being able to run in the middle of the day (usually when I need a break) …Read More
A few notes from the last week…Last weekend went surprisingly well. I say surprisingly because we've had some rough weekends of late. The kids don't …Read More
I already did a midweek miscellany post, but here we go again. I was working on a post on managing the two-travel-job couple. But it …Read More
A few observations from this week (so far!) When air travel works, it works. I feel like I'm jinxing myself here, but my flights from PHL …Read More
It's been a pretty good week. I gave two speeches, one in Philadelphia and one in NYC, so neither required flying. Of course, getting to NYC …Read More
My next book will hit book stores in just a little over a month. So the book publicity machine is gearing up. I recorded several …Read More
I gave speeches in Houston and Toronto this past week. The audiences were great. Houston was amazingly energetic for the post-lunch spot (it may have …Read More