How many minutes spent swilling Chardonnay?
Piggy-backing on Real Simple's women and time survey (blogged about here), the magazine's website has launched a "Women & Time" web feature where readers can …Read More
Piggy-backing on Real Simple's women and time survey (blogged about here), the magazine's website has launched a "Women & Time" web feature where readers can …Read More
The April issue of Real Simple features a long package on women and time. Based on a survey done for Real Simple and the Families …Read More
Oh yes, it’s Leap Day -- the extra 24 hours bequeathed on us by calendar creators due to the not exactly 365-day journey of the …Read More
The markets have been rallying since October, slowly building a cushion around shaken nest eggs. That sounds like good news for baby boomers approaching retirement …Read More
Over the weekend, we got to meet Dr. Scott, the paleontologist.Those of you with preschoolers may know just how big a deal this is. “Dr. …Read More
There is an old worn paper bag sitting in my office right now with a curious object inside: a half-finished cross-stitched Christmas stocking. The pattern …Read More
On Saturday night, my family and I did something fairly new for us: we ate at a chain restaurant. We’d spent the afternoon at Longwood …Read More
In the 1993 film Groundhog Day, Phil, an unpleasant meteorologist, is condemned to relive the same day over and over again. The film asks the …Read More
UPS delivered a most delightful looking book to my doorstep today; see photo at left. Yep, the first batch of All the Money in the …Read More
One of the true joys I remember from 4th and 5th grade was earning my junior Girl Scout badges. My troop earned plenty through projects …Read More