5 book reviews in 5 days: Dave Barry’s You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty
As a "demand side" reader, I went on a reading tear a few weeks ago. I wound up reading 5 books in about 5 days. …Read More
As a "demand side" reader, I went on a reading tear a few weeks ago. I wound up reading 5 books in about 5 days. …Read More
When I was at the Makers Conference a few weeks ago, Wendy Clark, SVP of Coca-Cola's "Global Sparkling Brand Center," talked about how she managed …Read More
Two weeks ago, I wrote about the differences between “supply side” readers -- those who set aside times to read, and build reading naturally into …Read More
When I ask people what they’d like to do more of with their time, “read” comes up almost as often as “exercise.” And yet many …Read More
I spent some time recently scrolling through Amazon’s list of 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime. I love book bucket lists, even if I …Read More
After the epic Saturday nap I wrote about in my previous post, I went stomping around our yard in the snow. It was about 4:45-5:30 …Read More
A few of my favorite bloggers have been posting their “bits of joy” lists lately. The idea is thinking through a list of activities you …Read More
I have been accused, more than once, of arguing that people should pack something into every minute of the day. I fully own up to …Read More
I’ve spent some time over my past few non-working, non-blogging days thinking about the ending year. It was a good one. Here are some of …Read More
I don't think I'll be blogging much over the next 10 days. The kids are off school, and we'll be going to New York, having …Read More