Gone fishin’
Last Sunday we did something I had originally planned to do more of in 2020: hire a sitter for the baby so we could go …Read More
Last Sunday we did something I had originally planned to do more of in 2020: hire a sitter for the baby so we could go …Read More
I always love chatting with Anne Bogel (host of the podcast What Should I Read Next?) As her books empire has grown, she has found …Read More
Sarah's discussions of plans and planning have always been among our more popular episodes of Best of Both Worlds. So I'm thrilled to announce that …Read More
Lots of families are facing down a situation of virtual schooling this fall. While a number of daycares have re-opened, there is going to be …Read More
Routines are great. They can make good habits automatic, and make life feel doable -- especially now! But doing the same thing over and over again …Read More
Sarah and I love answering listener questions. We put out the call on Instagram and got enough fodder for several episodes. So in this one …Read More
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the wisdom of buying an extra. (Welcome to the Lifehacker readers who found me after following links from …Read More
This may be a long day. The baby went to his six-month check up yesterday (my husband took him -- an upside of this long-term …Read More
Thank you to everyone who ordered my new book, The New Corner Office, yesterday! I'm excited to announce that Apple chose the audio version of …Read More