Seeking stories…
...from women who've raised their incomes. Did you go after a promotion? Take a better job? Re-enter the workforce or scale up from part-time? Ask …Read More
...from women who've raised their incomes. Did you go after a promotion? Take a better job? Re-enter the workforce or scale up from part-time? Ask …Read More
Starting up normal life again after a vacation, or summer in general, is always tough. I have several major assignments I need to wrap up …Read More
Over at the Washington Post, Sarah Kliff had an interesting article late last week on the changing ways we've spent our time during a recession. …Read More
We are back home after a weeklong car trip to Maine. It was quite the journey, packing a lot into 168 hours. Traveling with small …Read More
I'm allegedly on vacation this week, and in fact have been enjoying myself and creating some memories, but this vacation has had some drama. We …Read More
Over at BNET this week, I followed up on last week's musings on 22 Things To Do During That Boring Conference Call with two related …Read More
Date night always requires a bit of logistical work around here. Both of us have to put it on our calendars, then we arrange babysitting …Read More
On my previous post on "Kicking the Coupon Habit," Twin Mom noted in a comment that doing well in a networked economy requires actually having …Read More
I must admit, I'm somewhat intrigued by the extreme couponing subculture that seems to be blossoming these days. I was over at Money Saving Mom, …Read More
We're in the middle of quite the deluge here in eastern PA. I woke this morning to a full-on thunderstorm, which made me very grateful …Read More