Lessons from a 90-minute nap
I wrote in my last post about trying some of the tips in Crystal Paine's book, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life. Day 13 …Read More
I wrote in my last post about trying some of the tips in Crystal Paine's book, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life. Day 13 …Read More
Those of you who have been around here for a while know that I don’t have particularly romantic notions of writing. It is a career …Read More
I've been trying to spend a lot of time outside this month, particularly in my own yard. Fall is aesthetically my favorite season. It's not …Read More
Hang around in certain circles long enough, and you hear a lot about 70-hour workweeks. Then, after that complaint, you start hearing about 80-hour workweeks, …Read More
In my speeches on time management, I suggest an exercise to get people thinking about their medium-term goals. Many people get an end-of-year performance review. …Read More
(Cross-posted at Gifted Exchange) At my 5-year-old's annual check-up the other day, the doctor asked if he was taking any art or music classes. I …Read More
While I'm quite interested in politics (much as with the Olympics -- in a binge every four years or so), I find the debates difficult …Read More
Over the past few days, I've kept clicking on headlines telling the tale of Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan. This 14-year-old girl blogged about what the …Read More
In the UK, there’s a proposal afoot to allow either parent to get a parental allowance for most of the first year of a child’s …Read More
Our washing machine died a bit ago. A replacement is on order. Unfortunately, the replacement is not available for immediate installation. Our clothes make a …Read More