Time makeover: From SAHM to WAHM
Back in January, I put out a call for reader time logs. Tiffany King responded and shared a bit of her life with me. She’s …Read More
Back in January, I put out a call for reader time logs. Tiffany King responded and shared a bit of her life with me. She’s …Read More
Having three growing kids in the house means we go through a lot of snacks. We’re also trying to eat reasonably healthy these days -- …Read More
Ten years ago, New York Times reporter Lisa Belkin wrote about a fascinating discovery: many women in her circle (she graduated from Princeton in 1982) …Read More
It was another full few days, with lots of highs and lows in our attempts to have some adventures with three kids age 6 and …Read More
It's been a while since I've done a round-up. So here's some news, links, and the like. First, What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast …Read More
Laura's note: This is cross-posted at Gifted Exchange, my education blog. I don't have affiliate agreements with any retailers, and the links are a random …Read More
One of the fun parts of renting vacation houses is seeing what magazines and books other people have left there. I may subscribe to Bon …Read More
If you read newspapers or magazines frequently, you’ve probably happened upon the genre of the trend piece.A trend piece documents something allegedly on the rise, …Read More
We spent the past week in Cape May, NJ -- actually, in Cape May Point, right at the southern tip of the state. We rented …Read More
I’ve written here (and elsewhere) before of how I’ve come to see blogging as my daily writing practice. I write for a living, and I …Read More