Weekend highlights
It was another great October weekend, with fantastic fall weather. A few highlights:*Two amazing runs. I’d had a lousy run on Friday, which is disconcerting …Read More
It was another great October weekend, with fantastic fall weather. A few highlights:*Two amazing runs. I’d had a lousy run on Friday, which is disconcerting …Read More
This week my husband went to Rio de Janeiro mostly for business and I tagged along. It was a lot of travel for a short …Read More
We have another reader question! I wrote recently about “parent-work” and when it needed to happen. This reader asks “Do you have any suggestions or …Read More
I have never officially participated in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. I did once write much of a novel between mid-October and …Read More
Last week was kind of intense. I managed to complete a round of edits on the novel, write 2 articles plus my normal Fast Company …Read More
We have another reader question! This concerns that category of task known as “mom work” or “dad work.” It is, broadly, household management, but with …Read More
I have an iPhone, but I have never downloaded any apps for it. Perhaps this sounds strange, as I like to save time and the …Read More
My husband travels a lot for work. I’m used to weekday solo parenting, though then there’s the rhythm of school and regular childcare. He’s had …Read More
Various thoughts and observations from this week:I’m in the process of fact-checking and adding the “notes” section on Their Own Sweet Time. Fact-checking was one …Read More
I wrote last spring that I’d kind of outdone myself at our preschool’s silent auction. I had high hopes that my plethora of gift certificates …Read More