Best of Both Worlds podcast: Love your job again
Any relationship can go through ups and downs, and that includes our relationships with our jobs. Sometimes it's wise to move on, but sometimes a …Read More
Any relationship can go through ups and downs, and that includes our relationships with our jobs. Sometimes it's wise to move on, but sometimes a …Read More
Longtime readers know that for the past few years I've embarked on several year-long project. Generally that's been reading (all the works of Shakespeare, all …Read More
According to the news this morning, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, which I probably could have predicted. Like Phil, I am a Pennsylvania …Read More
We've reached the end of January. If I were prone to sweeping narratives, I might be tempted to write off this month entirely. Certainly, parts …Read More
North of age 40, our bodies definitely start to change. Those of us "of a certain age" are navigating lots of hormonal changes. So Sarah and …Read More
I think a lot about weekends (I once wrote a short ebook about them! You can also find that short book included with two other …Read More
I'm a big fan of weekly planning. In Tranquility by Tuesday (my most recent book) I made "Plan on Fridays" my Rule #2. The actual …Read More
I am slowly re-emerging to the land of the living. Yesterday I drove myself to my physical therapy appointment, so that was a victory. I …Read More
From years of studying people's schedules, I know that mornings can be magical for people with careers, families, and big personal ambitions. This is often …Read More
All time passes. Sometimes this is a sad realization — I think of the scene in To the Lighthouse when Mrs. Ramsay presides over the …Read More