I love this time of year, possibly because I just love the vegetation. The strawberries are bright and juicy. Honeysuckle lines all the paths I run on. The roses are erupting out of the bushes. While I do love the fragile beauty showcased during the two weeks all the flowering trees bloom in April, this June bloom seems more sturdy, sunny and, let’s face it, I like the nice-but-not-too-hot summer weather.
There were some low moments this weekend (like being half an hour late to my hair appointment — I have TV appearances and speeches coming up — and telling the hair stylist that the book was on time management. And I was late!). But also some highlights (and not just in my hair!). We ate at Morimoto on Friday night for my husband’s birthday. We ordered the tasting menu. I love tasting menus. You get all a restaurant’s signature dishes, and get to try stuff you wouldn’t think to order. It was a lot of food and, conveniently, mostly vegetables and fish — relatively low carb. I had a cocktail that involved jalapenos. It was awesome, but perhaps the most awesome part of the night is that I didn’t go to sleep until about 11:30, but the baby slept until 7:30! (My daughter woke at 7, but I put her in front of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for a while).
I went for a run on Sunday morning around 7 a.m. The light looked lovely, and I chose to stop and sample some of the honeysuckle. It was a great way to start the day. There were a lot of fussy baby moments in the middle, but a nice way to end it too: my husband made his special mussels recipe for dinner, we had Stag’s Leap white wine, and I made my new favorite frozen concoction: a “milkshake” made of frozen banana, a little spoonful of Godiva dark chocolate powder, heavy cream, and some water so it will blend. Yum.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!