An (easy) little adventure + content round-up


The temperature was north of 50 degrees yesterday, and though it felt a little wet and chilly, I thought I’d take advantage to go run outside. I normally just run right by my house but I don’t really like the nearby running option — we’re on a big hill, and then by a busy road that I have to be on for about a quarter mile in order to get anywhere.

So yesterday I got in my car and drove 5 minutes to a little nature preserve. There are trails there that extend in a few directions through a green belt.

It was quite muddy so I went very slowly stepping around those patches, but it was definitely a more adventurous run than being on the treadmill. I crossed several creeks on rocks and saw a tiny waterfall. Because I had to pay attention to the rocks/roots/mud the whole thing felt very meditative — it was hard to think of much else but the trail.

Anyway, it was all quick — there, run, and back in an hour — but I enjoyed seeing the late winter woods with a fine mist around a few plants as the first buds emerge.

I write a lot about planning little adventures into life (it’s one of the Tranquility by Tuesday rules). Sometimes it can be hard to think about what a little adventure could be, but running in a different place can count. It wasn’t much more time than the treadmill, but felt very different.

In other news…over at Vanderhacks (my Substack newsletter) this week I wrote about how “The easy way might be the right way.” There’s no point complicating things unnecessarily! I wrote that “Planning twice is twice as nice” when it comes to weekends. Behind the paywall, I talked about “How to motivate yourself (when you’re not feeling very motivated).” Please consider a free or paid subscription.

In the Before Breakfast podcast, I suggested that people “Think about what you’d take” — what would you want to bring with you in an emergency? This has reminded me to take pictures of things that there aren’t digital copies of (like old photos). I suggested asking “What’s on the horizon?” and thinking through the arc of a month. March is going to feature a lot around here! And for the interview, I talked with Deirdre Fitzpatrick, who is a morning anchor with KCRA in Sacramento. Given how early she has to wake up, she has morning routines down to a science. Please give those episodes a listen!

The Best of Both Worlds Patreon community has several discussions going on career breaks, nail clipping, milestone birthdays, and conferences.

Thanks so much for your support of me and my work. I really appreciate it.

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