Best of Both Worlds podcast: Doing good together — kind acts as a family with MiaLisa Millares


Everyone wants to raise kids who care, but getting involved in the community with little kids in tow isn’t always easy. In today’s episode of Best of Both Worlds, MiaLisa Millares of Doing Good Together shares tips on how to navigate those obstacles. From service projects to learning empathy, there are lots of practical ways to do good acts together.

In the Q&A Sarah and I read some feedback on our anniversary episode from someone who would like to have the best of both worlds, but is really struggling with finding childcare. We know that availability is a real problem in certain areas, and we express our empathy with the situation. It is hard!

Please give the episode a listen. We always welcome ideas for future topics, so feel free to reach out to me with suggestions.

5 thoughts on “Best of Both Worlds podcast: Doing good together — kind acts as a family with MiaLisa Millares

  1. Oh wow, I am slightly mortified that my previous comment made it on-air, but also very much appreciated the acknowledgement that my situation is tough!!! Retrospectively, I’m sorry that I vented all my frustration into that comment.

    But I am also THRILLED to update you that as of yesterday (yes, literally yesterday), my kids attended their school aftercare program for the first time because we got in off the waitlist!!! (Still no movement on the beforecare waitlist, but I’ll take this win). I don’t know if a family dropped out, or they hired more staff, but I’m grateful that we now have coverage from 4-6pm.

    And – by way of explanation – I think the reason for lack of options in our community is two-fold:
    1) We have experienced population growth (SHU’s point) and yes, daycares and other programs are having a hard time keeping up (especially post-covid since the number of providers is lower), and
    2) Nearly every family we know has two working parents…at least one of whom works from home. This is a post-covid phenomenon, and what makes our family different is that we both go into an office (my spouse goes every day, I go 3x/week). We are an outlier in this regard, at least here.

    I really do appreciate the thoughtful answers to my comment and countless others!

    1. @KGC – it was a really important topic and I am so glad you raised it. You are far from the only family going through this!

  2. I loved this. My son is 7 and just raised £500 cycling for a homelessness charity, and we are generally involved in our community. More informal settings are often more welcoming to kids – although the uk is less litigious than the US. So he helps when we volunteer at the zero waste festivals, helps when we do the uniform bank, and sometimes we’ll just grab a bin bag and our litter pickers and pick up trash in the woods or playpark. I want him to grow up knowing that if he sees something unfair or wrong in the world, he’s got the autonomy and responsibility to be part of the solution.

    1. @Coree – this is so great that he did this! Good for you for making sure he’s involved in helpful activities.

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