Rainy Friday round-up

Like much of the East Coast, we have gotten drenched this week. I’ve been hoping that the counselors at my 9-year-old’s camp are not experiencing too much cabin fever…though I guess there’s been a different kind of fever. I got a call from the camp nurse yesterday that my kid showed up feeling “very tired” and was, in fact, running a temperature. She gave him Tylenol and he slept for several hours. Since he was still running a fever over 100 in the evening they kept him at the infirmary overnight. I got to talk with him — he was subdued, though he told me camp has been fun. The nurse told me she was getting him chicken noodle soup and then I was like oh dear, and now I’ve been worrying that my highly selective eater is starving in addition to sick. Well, we get him back in 24 hours. I promised him gum.

We were supposed to pick him up and go rafting but the rafting trip was canceled because the river is completely flooded (the rafting was supposed to have light rapids, but now the rapids might be a bit more serious…). Given that the 9-year-old might not be feeling great I guess it’s just as well. So, the weekend gets reworked.

Last night we hosted several of the 14-year-old’s friends for a sleepover. They decided they still wanted to go in the pool despite the rain, so I spent a rainy hour outside watching them. Lifeguard duty with an umbrella! Then I spent the rest of the evening on the couch watching the Olympics.

On the agenda today: Watching the 17-year-old perform in a vocal recital, and then I think my husband and I will aim to visit the art museum tonight. That’s a good rainy day activity.

In the meantime, this week’s content:

First, I was a guest on Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller’s podcast, The Double Win! It was a lot of fun to talk with them about all things time management and managing work and life. Please give that episode a listen.

Best of Both Worlds covered digital organization, and over at our Patreon community we’re discussing naps and school-based fundraising.

The Before Breakfast podcast covered ways to “Waste time better” and that “Time solves many problems.” I also suggested the life hack that one “Buy a box of birthday cards” so you always have the option to send one.

Over at Vanderhacks I lauded the benefits of “Exercising with a purpose” and told people to “Watch out for the Big Ben problem.” Behind the paywall I suggested ways to “Make your own retreat.” I also suggested at least trying a new habit because, hey, “It might be easy.

Have a great weekend!


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