Best of Both Worlds podcast: Digital Decluttering with Amanda Jefferson

Physical spaces can easily get cluttered with stuff. Digital spaces can too — with notifications, old apps, old photos, unread mail and so forth.

In today’s episode of Best of Both Worlds, Amanda Jefferson of Indigo Organizing shares her expert tips on digital decluttering. Learn how to stay on top of things while making your digital spaces feel more serene.

In the Q&A we tackle a question from a listener on helping kids with learning disabilities — what resources and approaches are helpful for navigating those challenges?

Please give the episode a listen! Over at our Patreon community page we’re also discussing naps (our own, not our kids’) and staying connected if you’re a full time WFH employee. Please come join us!

4 thoughts on “Best of Both Worlds podcast: Digital Decluttering with Amanda Jefferson

  1. I really enjoyed this interview & episode. I did not know about the environmental impact of digital clutter.

  2. Very well. In principle, to view how organized – or disorganized – my computer and my phone is, someone needs to get into the operating system on my computer or my phone. I can also take hundreds of screenshots to show how organized/disorganized these operating systems are. But, then, I can only send these screenshots to you, Ms. Laura Vanderkam or Dr. Sarah Hart-Unger, via emails or via another platform such as LinkedIn.
    In the meantime, yes, I think we can evaluate the environmental aspect to it. I also agree that “scooch” could be like “schedule it” or “‘someday’ it”.

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