When was March 10 last a Monday?


First, Sarah is home from the hospital. You can read her most recent update (and listen to this week’s BLP) here. A lot of really hard things. Please go leave her good wishes in the comments! I know she reads them.

Life around here is (thankfully) pretty normal. Among the trivia…I just spent way longer than I care to realize on a hunt for something I wasn’t going to find.

Long time readers know I have tracked my time since April 2015 (almost 10 years now). At first I was saving the files with just the month and day of that Monday’s date, so the log starting today would be “LV March 10.” (I didn’t do this on one big excel file because I thought I was only doing a few weeks at the beginning…I also indicated LV because I was often collecting logs from other people too…). I got a new computer midway through 2016. Then sometime in 2022 I tried to save a file with the month and day and my computer told me the file already existed. Turns out the day-of-the-week cycle was repeated from 2016. So then I started adding the year to the file name.

Anyway, at some point I decided it would be cool to look at the old file from the corresponding Monday date. It’s been fun to watch the years repeat — but thanks to leap years it has not been a linear process. We skipped at least one year in there (2018?). This year has corresponded with 2020 so far…and so this morning as I was saving LV March 3 2025, I went to go open LV March 3…which I thought would have been from 2020…and found it didn’t exist.

Mild panic. Did I not track my time that week? I did have a newborn and that was as all the Covid stuff was starting to go down. I wondered if in my sleep deprived state I’d just saved it with the wrong convention. Usually I emailed these to an old Gmail account (I started doing time logs before Google drive and such were as big as they are now). So I went through that account, looking at all the emails I sent myself around March 10 2020.

Weirdly, there was both a March 2 and a March 9 from right around then…and after a few minutes I realized, of course. There had been a February 29, 2020, and since there wasn’t a February 29, 2025, we are now bumped to a different day/date cycle again.

It turns out there hasn’t been a Monday March 3 since 2014. That is officially outside my time tracking scope so oh well. All these day/date combos I’m experiencing now are totally new. But now I’m debating which past year I should open/print as part of my project to look at my old logs. Maybe I’ll go back and look at whatever year I didn’t see (I really think it was 2018).

Anyway…this weekend had the usual mix of kid stuff and some adult relaxation time. My husband and I went to see our 13-year-old’s jazz band perform on Friday night. I think I’ve written here before about that parenting milestone when your kids’ music performances are actually good. I mean you’re always excited to see your kid perform. But there is also a nice moment when it’s also a musically pleasing experience. Then he and I went out to dinner at a Greek restaurant.

I came home and basically went straight to bed as I drew the straw to get up with the 15-year-old to take him to the robotics state tournament. I dropped him off at the high school to get the bus at 6:45 a.m. In my mind I was going to go home, get my exercise clothes on but…I was kind of tired so I got back in bed and…around 10 a.m. actually got up for the day. No idea what happened there.

I took the 10-year-old to his ninja class, and then took the 13-year-old out for lunch. It was nice to spend a little time with each of them. Then Sunday we had the usual mix of church and later on trumpet and trombone lessons, but it was also nice enough to play outside for a while. And inside — I wound up throwing a ball back and forth with the 10-year-old inside for 30 minutes. We didn’t break anything. And, taking advantage of the parenting milestone of having built-in babysitters, my husband and I (+ the 13-year-old) all went to the gym together in the afternoon while the boys stayed home together.

Then, thanks to the time change, no one could get to sleep last night and everyone had trouble getting up this morning. So that will be recorded on the LV March 10 2025 log for posterity.

One thought on “When was March 10 last a Monday?

  1. I read the name of this blog post, Ms. Laura Vanderkam, and I was like, “I’d like to tell you right away that ‘March 10 was last a Monday 28 years ago'”. Then I realized, “Wait, this year’s calendar is identical to the calendar 28 years ago, but that’s not the most recent incident when March 10 was a Monday.” Then we found out the year to be 2014.
    What I get from this blog post is that if I’m to calculate when was a specific date last a which day, I’ll need to move the date 1 slot to the left for every previous year I go to. Except, of course, when there is a Feb 29. Whenever there is a Feb 29, I’d better slow down.
    Indeed, I didn’t really leave a comment in “All is Okay”, “Update, Lots of Waiting”, “Cath tomorrow then (hoping?) home”, and “Not quite home yet but hopefully close” over at Dr. Sarah Hart-Unger’s main site as I noticed that each blog post has at least 38 comments already. But I’m going to listen to today’s BLP first.
    Hence, we could conclude how impressive it was when I listened to the episode “Making a Name for Yourself” and had no idea that she’s having ventricular tachycardia.

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