This week I finally dug into my book revisions. Big Time (as it is currently called) won’t be out until probably May 2026. But I have a draft and now am revising. I had been resisting plunging in (partly because, well, May 2026 is a long time from now) but I decided I would just do an hour every day. I’d put that on my to-do list until the intrinsic motivation kicked in.
And sure enough, eventually it did. I do like revising things — going in and making them better. Now I just have to make sure that the manuscript that exists matches the vision in my head. And I have to figure out little things like a coherent subhead rubric.
In other news, I went to a preschool Valentine’s Day party (rescheduled from last week when there was a snow delay). I gave a virtual speech. I spent a lot of time practicing Herbert Howell’s An English Mass, and some Mexican Renaissance music (two very different concerts I’ll be singing in during the same weekend in March…). We got the dining room re-wallpapered. Each of the past two years we’ve had an issue with the humidity and our HVAC system going awry, and the wallpaper peeling off the wall. We thought we’d figured it out and how to stop it…and then it happened again. Fortunately last time it happened I bought more than enough wallpaper so we didn’t have to order it (but we used it up this time…so I’m debating if I order more).
Anyway, this week’s content:
Over at the Before Breakfast podcast, I suggest that “Maybe you already own it” — lots of things can be repurposed or given new life. I suggest that people “Plan for transition time” and “Say yes to an open hour.” The interview episode features Courtney Carver, author of the new book Gentle, and an expert on minimalism (her Project 333 fashion challenge has inspired many people). Please check those out!
Vanderhacks, my Substack newsletter, talked about how “There is no perfect time.” Everything is a compromise in some way or another, so in many cases there’s no point waiting for some less busy future time. I also suggested that people “Just pick up the phone” as a way to avoid schedule clutter. Behind the paywall, I talked about “A little ritual to make tomorrow better.”
The Best of Both Worlds Patreon community had our monthly meet-up, where we talked about our “Adventure Project” — planning in one big and one little adventure each week. We also had a discussion thread on when our kids go to bed and when we do.
Thanks for supporting me and my work! I appreciate it.
Photo: A little snow this week has necessitated some boot wearing…Everyone gets the same style boot so they can just be passed down between kids.
Love the matching queue of boots. T had forest school today and we got there and realised his wellie boots were way too small. In a fit of efficiency, I looked around at his fellow forest kid’s feet, spotted one who looked a few sizes smaller and offered them to the mum, who gratefully accepted. They were a nice pair of crocs ones, but I help out with our town’s zero waste / clothes swap and know even the nicest shoes struggle to find a home, so it feels useless to take them to the charity shop. Sadly T has giant feet and is taller than most of his older pals so we never benefit from any hand me downs.